Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have been very quiet on the blog front, so I thought I would add a couple of things before I leave.  The first one being a subject close to most peoples heart’s in the UK… the Weather!

You may think that I have been enjoying non-stop sunshine since I am in Africa…. If only that was the case.  For my first couple of months it was cold, or more precisely sunny and warm during the day and then dropping in temperature significantly in the evenings.  Which you would think would be manageable, apart from the fact none of the house are built to withstand the cold so during a nice warm sunny day the office or your house would be a good few degrees colder.  I lived in the one coat I brought with me!

It has now warmed up, but summer also brings the rainy season so one day you can have glorious sunshine … 
  …. And then the next day it can look like this when Mbabane is basically in the clouds!

Or you can have absolutely crazy lightening storms,  often with torrential rain, golf ball sized hail stones and hugely windy.  It can be quite surreal, if it looks like a major storm is brewing then things start closing early so people can get home before the storm breaks.  This is not as odd as if first seemed as Swaziland has the highest per capita rate of lightning strikes in the world.  So you really don’t want to be caught in the wrong place during a storm! 

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